The East District has had the honor of serving the Church of God Congregations in Eastern Kentucky since 2005. The District is composed of 69 Churches in 24 counties. This ministry was established to promote Unity among our local congregations. The mission from the beginning was to form a Spirit of Unity that the Pioneers of the Reformation Movement thought was a vital truth. They knew there was only one Church the Body of Christ.
The East District has sought out ways to promote Unity over the past nine years. The first East District Rally held in 2006. God used this service to launch this new ministry. We meet at the end of a year at a local Church to share the plans for the upcoming new year. The East District has been blessed to have James and Lena Reynolds as East District Youth Coordinators. They assist the District with scheduling a Spring and Fall Youth Rally each year. We give our youth an opportunity for our Student Ministries to get acquainted with one another and to experience a time of worship together. We conclude each year with a Christmas Banquet.
© 2023 – 2024 East District Church of Kentucky of God of Kentucky.